Digital First Business Certificate

Executive Course


Learn how to transform your organization into a Digital First organization through leveraging best practices in Data, Analytics, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Global Lynx Workforce Development

What is Digital First?

Digital First is really a mindset that embraces and fosters the creation of a customer-centric culture where every challenge is tackled with a digital solution and technology becomes a core part of the business model.

Who is Responsible for Digital First?

Although an organization’s IT department or area typically leads on Digital Transformation, a Digital First mindset needs to be adopted by everyone in the organization.

This Course Helps You

  • Create awareness within the different areas of your organization by embracing a Digital First mindset.

  • Generate consensus on Data & Analytics, AI and Digital Transformation concepts.

  • Set the foundation for a successful adoption of a Digital Business Model focused on the Customer.

  • Spread a common understanding of the Risks of using AI tools and the Best Practices for reducing them.

Data & Analytics

  • Data Overview
  • Analytics Overview
  • Careers in Data & Analytics

Artificial Intelligence

  • AI Overview
  • Reactive AI and Automation
  • Limited Memory AI and Machine Learning
  • Theory of Mind Examples

Generative AI and ChatGPT

  • Generative AI Business Application
  • ChatGPT Best Practices
  • AI Business Application
  • Use case demos

Course Format: Online, self-paced (micro-course lessons).

Coming Fall 2023